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Computers are as indispensable for entertainment as they are for work. Therefore, if your computer suddenly crashes, it could be quite inconvenient for you. While some problems can be easily solved, others are more serious and require the intervention of a specialist. Here are 4 of the most frequent computer crashes.
A computer that no longer turns on
It can happen that while you are working, your computer suddenly shuts down. If this happens, the causes are multiple. It could be a power failure, a defective motherboard, a battery at the end of its life, a faulty case switch or a lack of power. To determine the cause of the problem, try performing a series of tests. For example, you may want to plug in several power outlets, remove the battery and plug your computer directly into the power supply, check the power cable, or check whether the display is working. If no test works, ideally you should see a technician. However, finding a technician in this period of Coronavirus can be quite difficult. More information can be found at .
A computer that heats up
A computer that gets overheated is a classic failure that can happen very frequently. If your computer gets too hot, the problem can be due in 90% of cases to a failure of the computer's cooling radiator. This is because dust usually tends to accumulate there. When the computer gets too hot, it will eventually shut down abruptly. To remedy this, you simply need to cool the computer down. The best way to do this is to use an air compressor or dry air spray. Both of these will help to remove the dust. If this doesn't work, the best thing to do is to disassemble the computer to clear it, or simply call a computer technician.
A black screen
Your screen is black? The causes can also be numerous. It could be a problem with the motherboard, a bad power supply, the processor, an update problem or a problem with the memory. To fix this problem, you must first identify the problem. To do this, perform a series of tests. To do this, check the monitor power supply, test your device with a different processor, test your monitor on another computer, or check that your graphics card is in the correct port. In case you are not familiar with computers at all, it is better to contact a technician directly.
A frozen screen
If your screen remains frozen, the problem must be due to a faulty memory stick. To fix this problem, you simply need to remove the faulty bar. Otherwise, you can directly diagnose your settings. This will allow you to determine if the memory strip is really defective. If the problem persists, it is best to contact an expert.
Now you know what to do if you encounter any of these problems. In case you are not at all good with computers, just go to a technician.
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